Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus: Open Call for Candidates CENSE seminar | Do bioenergy systems mitigate climate change: insights from Life Cycle Assessment Are you looking for a Doctoral Fellowship in environment and sustainability? CENSE members collaborated in the organization of the 11ENC Tomás Ramos visited EACH-USP (Brazil) CENSE Seminar | Large-scale efficient extraction of chemical information from untargeted chemical profiling (GC/MS) data Aulas abertas do Seminário de Política e Inovação em Ambiente 2019/2020 CENSE received Macau’s Meteorological and Geophysical Services Director and Officers Science and Tecnology Week @ CENSE Sofia G. Simões from CENSE is awarded with the José María Sarriegi Major Catastrophe Research Award Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 12 Next page ››