Rita Lopes, Researcher at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE), from the Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon (FCT NOVA), presented the study entitled "The potential of the circular economy in Portugal – the case of packaging and food and beverage sectors ". The study was developed by Rita Lopes, Rui Santos, Nuno Videira and Paula Antunes with Sociedade Ponto Verde and was presented at the conference Think the future in a circular way (https://pensarofuturocircular.pt), at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. The conference brought together national and international leaders who seek a better management of the planet's resources, which goes through the valorization and extension of the life of the products.
This study suggests the promotion of initiatives "that foster collaboration between different agents", marketing actions, measures that favor new business models and bet on research. The study allowed to develop a shared vision for a circular economy in operation in 2035 and a roadmap for action. Circular economy consists of using resources as much time as possible, recycling, reusing and reducing consumption. To achieve this goal, there is a need to reduce packaged products, prefer single packages, and to avoid packaging with stickers and packaging that uses more and more recycled materials.
The study highlights that that this challenge will generate new business and companies are already "presenting strategies" for the circular economy, a sector that represents "a good investment".
Watch her interview for Expresso newspaper here.